Tech Data Sheets
Information is provided here for your use so you can determine if a product will fit your application. Material type, autoclavability, dimensions, quantity and packaging type are shown on these data sheets. In some cases colors may vary from those shown on these data sheets. Contact us at one of the links it you have any questions.

Product & Technical Data

Use the Search button at below right to search for the Labcon product you use. Select the line of your product choice and click to display. You can save a PDF version if you select the PDF icon at the upper right select the print button.

For chemical compatibility and instrument fit and compatibility visit the compatibility pages.

Product Data Sheets are available online for Labcon Brand products only. If the product you purchased does not carry a Labcon Brand label please contact the seller to obtain more information.

Our Quality System

For information about our Quality System and testing for all our products select the link at the right.