What are
Eclipse™ Refills?
The ultimate tip refilling solution.
With a simple lift and snap, you can refill a 96 tip rack with a wide variety of Labcon pipette tips, including Eclipse™ tips, SuperSlik® tips, ZAP™ tips, and ZAP™ Slik tips. Shipped in 100% renewable packaging with carbon-sequestering bioplastic and minimized plastic content, Eclipse™ refills reduce waste and meet the environmental goals of your lab. Patented Eclipse™ refills are available with validated sterility and are designed to allow sterile transfer of tips into racks.
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Why Use Eclipse?
The Patented Eclipse™ Pipette refill system is different than other refills what use much more plastic. And Eclipse™ was designed from the beginning to be more easily recycled.
Eclipse™ refills use a Patented ultra-thin wafer to deliver the refill. So you always use less.
Other brands, even those using "bio-based" resins use more plastic so generate more waste.
What Does Eclipse Do Better?
The Patented Eclipse™ Pipette refill system is different than other refills what use much more plastic. And Eclipse™ was designed from the beginning to be more easily recycled.
Easier Use
Simple intuitive package makes Eclipse™ easy to use without an engineering degree. So you can focus on your work.
Eclipse™ refills carry ACT® labels

ACT-labeled products undergo an extensive 2- 6 month assessment to certify sustainable product attributes, assign product rating scores, and publish digital product labels that provide a transparent look at the product’s manufacturing process and the manufacturer’s environmental initiatives. The product labels are not found on the product, but are published in an online database. Most of the 27 styles of Eclipse™ refills carry ACT® environmental factor labels.
More about the ACT labelHow does Eclipse Compare?
Labcon Eclipse™ Pipette tip refills incorporate a Patented eco-efficient packaging design that actively reduces the amount of plastic packaging in the refill. From the very start you have less that is difficult to recycle.

Is the Leader

Least Amount of Plastic
Eclipse™ refills weight 441 grams. There are 101 grams of un-usable plastic in the refill. 23% is un-usable plastic making Eclipse™ the most sustainable refill choice.

Brand E
Uses 199% More

199% More plastic than Eclipse™
This refill weights 711 grams. There are 303 grams of un-usable plastic in this refill. 43% is un-usable plastic.

Brand S
Uses 184% More

184% More Plastic than Eclipse™
This refill weights 558 grams. There are 288 grams of un-usable plastic in this refill. 49% is un-usable plastic.

Brand C
Uses 202% More

202% More Plastic than Eclipse™
This refill weights 541 grams. There are 306 grams of un-usable plastic in this refill. 57% is un-usable plastic.

Brand A
Uses 243% More

243% More Plastic than Eclipse™
This refill weights 663 grams. There are 348 grams of un-usable plastic in this refill. 52% is un-usable plastic.

Brand A
Uses 205% More

205% More Plastic than Eclipse™
This refill weights 548 grams. There are 310 grams of un-usable plastic in this refill. 57% is un-usable plastic.

Brand V
Uses 178% More

176% More Plastic than Eclipse™
This refill weights 560 grams. There are 280 grams of un-usable plastic in this refill. 50% is un-usable plastic.

Brand S
Uses 202% More

202% More Plastic than Eclipse™
This refill weights 621 grams. There are 307 grams of un-usable plastic in this refill. 49% is un-usable plastic.

Brand B
Uses 171% More

171% More Plastic than Eclipse™
This refill weights 543 grams. There are 275 grams of un-usable plastic in this refill. 51% is un-usable plastic.

Brand G
Uses 202% More

202% More Plastic than Eclipse™
This refill weights 545 grams. There are 307 grams of un-usable plastic in this refill. 56% is un-usable plastic.

Brand C
Uses 72% More

72% More Plastic than Eclipse™
This refill weights 542 grams. There are 175 grams of un-usable plastic in this refill. 32% is un-usable plastic.

Brand R
Uses 96% More

96% More Plastic than Eclipse™
This refill weights 445 grams. There are 199 grams of un-usable plastic in this refill. 45% is un-usable plastic.
About the Refill Data

The results above are from purchased market product. The same as you might receive if you purchased any of these brands. The data shown is for a refill with 960 tips. Non-usable plastic noted above includes non-usable product plastic components of packaging, lids, bases, wafers, and casing. Any plastic material left after usable product is gone. The laboratory grade scale used for these weight measures has an accuracy of +/- 2.5%